Never stop improving.


“Never stop Improving.” This is Lowe’s slogan and it’s a good one. Although it is about home improvement,  I think it also appeals to our human nature to improve ourselves. The commercial and slogan itself challenges us to always grow -always be better. Many people choose to be something better than they currently are. This comes in many different capacities and they are ALL remarkable. Some choose to move forward in their career by figuring out how they can further help others, some choose to make an impact with an organization or even just with the people around them, some decide to put all their time and effort into ensuring that their kids are well taken care of in all aspects while cultivating contributing citizens. They should be appreciated for caring about what their kids will offer the world. All of the aforementioned people should be shown great appreciation in that they have a desire to always improve themselves and others. We should applaud this consideration of life.

The wonderful thing about this mentality is that it is never too late to start improving- improving your mind, your career, your spirituality, or your health. One thing I love about life is that there is a never-ending menu of new things and new ideas to take on. There are literally billions of ways to do better, be better and inspire others. If you can’t think of something to take on, start reading and you’ll start thinking. It can be something huge or it could be something as small as ensuring you and your friends get together. There, you are now the proverbial glue in your group of friends.

Sometimes I get concerned that a lot of people have the same idea and if you dont have this particular thing, then you feel unsuccessful at life. I immediately think of getting married, having kids and being rich. While all of these are great things to have, I’m worried people may put too much stock in these. Either that, or once they have all three of these, they quit improving. Think about it this way….wasted time is wasted improvement to our world and our relationships with everyone and everything. So, whether you have hit these milestones or not, choose to get out there, pick a project and stop wasting your time here. Anyone can do somethimg and there are a lot of somethings out there to try. If nothing else, go to Lowes, buy some stuff and build something. 🙂


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